Dog Vaccinations

Brazos Bend Animal Hospital serves those with dogs in the Richmond, TX area, administrating the rabies vaccine to prevent hazards to your pet's health and that of the community. Our veterinarian team helps ensure your four-legged friend is safeguarded against this preventable disease. 

Dog Vaccinations

The Dangers of Rabies  

The rabies virus is nearly always fatal. It can affect any mammal. The death toll from rabies each year is close to 60,000 people worldwide. In the United States, rabies has been all but eradicated in dogs, and this is due to maintaining vaccination schedules. Continuing to inoculate them against this disease helps to keep rabies numbers under control, and 5,000 animal rabies cases are reported annually in our country.  

How Often Does My Dog Need to Be Vaccinated? 

Our vet should see your pet for its first shot when it is between 12 and 16 weeks of age. This will be a single injection that is meant to penetrate the skin or be placed directly into the muscle. It will contain dead rabies virus that will provoke the creation of antibodies. Your pet is to receive another inoculation the following year, no matter its age when it received the first one. After that, they are to be given a booster every three years.  

Are Dog Rabies Vaccinations Mandatory? 

In the United States, it is against the law to fail to get a rabies vaccine for your dog, and this will usually be a requirement to get your dog's license renewed year by year. When your pet has been initially vaccinated, it takes 28 days for its antibiotic level to reach its peak and for it to be protected. With boosters, this protection takes place immediately.  

What if My Dog is Bitten? 

Even if your pet has received its vaccination, it's important to speak to our veterinarian immediately. In addition, it must be reported to Animal Control. Your vet may be required to keep the dog under observation for a certain period of time. Those with current vaccines should be revaccinated, and animals without inoculations are to either be placed in isolation for six months or put down per the regulations in your jurisdiction.  

Brazos Bend Animal Hospital in Richmond TX Welcomes You 

Your dog will receive superior care from our veterinarian team in Richmond TX, and we invite you to come to us with your pet's rabies vaccination needs. Please reach out to us by calling or visiting us online and making an appointment for your furry companion to be seen today! 

Office Hours


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Tech Appointments Only from 1pm-6pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


Hours Vary - Please Contact the Clinic




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